US Amateur Team West - 2day schedule still has space!
Published: Sun, 02/19/17
Many many thanks for those 136 scholastic players who joined up for the US Amateur Team West Kids' Side event.
Last year we had 84 players, and with expecting around 96 players, this event was a very popular one!
Did you have fun today? Well, it's not too late to come back and join in the 'big' event :)
Although we could not take more registrations for the 3-day schedule, wanted to let everyone know that the 2-day schedule still has space, so on-site registration is welcomed!
Onsite registration is between 8:30 - 9AM with first round starting at 10am.
Pairings and standings are posted online:
Any questions, feedback or suggestion, please don't hesitate to email us to
Thank you,
Judit & the BAC Team