Kids' tourney at San Ramon (6/24) & Cupertino (6/25) AND Chess Camps during 6/26-30

Published: Wed, 06/21/17


BayAreaChess presents

This weekend scholastic tournaments:

Swiss & Quads at two cities:
Saturday - San Ramon
Sunday - Cupertino


LAST CALL for Summer Camp

June 26 - 30

Chess Camp in San Jose @ St. Leo
with Coach Faik & Coach Jasmine

Master Chess Camp @ BAC office
with GM Zviad Izoria

Strategy Games Camp @ Palo Alto
with Coach James and Coach Jason - FULL

Kids' Swiss & Quads
Entry Fee:
$34 for Swiss
$29 for Quads
@ San Ramon - Saturday, June 24th
@ Cupertino - Sunday, June 25th
San Ramon Courtyard Marriott: 18090 San Ramon Valley Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583 (map)
Cupertino Courtyard Marriott: 10605 N Wolfe Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014 (map)
  Info Flyer Register Online
Sections, Schedule & Prizes

On-site Registration: 9:30-9:45am
Rounds: between 10am-2pm

Time Control: 4SS G/30;d5

Prizes: Trophies for players with winning record,
medals to all others.


On-site Registration and MANDATORY check-in: 1:30-2pm
Rounds: between 2:15-5pm

Time Control: 3RR G/30;d5
Prizes: Trophies for players with winning record,
medals to all others.


Regular Chess, Master Chess & Strategy Game Camp
AM (9AM-1PM): $259
PM (1-5PM): $239
Full Day (9AM-5PM): $429
Early drop/Late Pick: $49/5days

Master Camp: $329 (AM), $299 (PM), $529 (FD)
Monday June 26th through Friday, June 30rd
Regular Camp: St. Leo the Great, 1051 W. San Fernando, San Jose, CA 95126 (map)
Master Camp: 
BAC San Jose Office:2050  Concourse Drive #42, San Jose CA 95131 (map)
Strategy Camp: Uniterian Universalist Church of Palo Alto, 505 East Charleston Road, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (map) - FULL
  Info Flyer Register Online Check out pictures from our camps!
Regular & Master Chess Camp
Strategy Camp
Regular Camp: we welcome any child of 5 years or older to our Regular Chess Camps.
Prior chess knowledge is NOT required to attend the camp, we regularly get absolute beginners, beginner and intermediate players at these camps.
For more information on location, schedule of our regular chess camps, please click HERE.

Master Camp: This chess camp is for our ambitious and dedicated students only, who are rated 1000 or above, or with special coach recommendation. These camps are taught by titled instructors (Grandmasters, International Masters, or Fide or National Masters.) The coaches will provide top-level instruction, aimed at challenging the students in an engaging way. Each day will include tactical exercises, lectures, training games, and individual student attention.
For more information on location, schedule of our master chess camps, please click HERE.

Strategy Game Camp: Strategy Games camp is an innovative and fun way to teach children the logic and strategy of games in a way that incorporates many STEM concepts. We use a variety of games (board games, original games, puzzle and tile games etc.) to introduce the student to concepts in probability, game theory, pattern recognition, deductive reasoning and creative thinking that leads to optimal decision making in games. Students should be at least 8 years old or have prior approval of the instructor. Coaches James Bethany and Wolfgang Behm will lead the camps, bringing their vast experience in Strategy Games teaching to make a unique and fun filled week! No Strategy Games camp is the same, as the coaches incorporate a variety of different games and the selection can vary from week to week. Please register fast as we only have 4 weeks of Strategy Games camp over the summer.
Click here to See our Strategy Camp offerings 

Coach James Bethany is one of the lead coach for both weeks: He was a Board game designer, selling 11 titles (2002-2007), a Web-Host Game Moderator (2009-2010), Project-Application Game Tester for FaceBook (2010), Qualifier for Monopoly National Championships (2012), World Champion at Online Risk (2013) and a Senior Lead Chess-Instructor (Current).


We have three main goals with our chess camps:
1. Have fun with chess
2. Improve chess skills
3. Provide other stimulating activities to maintain interest

We apply a novel approach, where we combine and blend Academia, Chess, and Games!
Each 4 hour instructional block consists of:
1. Chess puzzles & creative exercises to sharpen the brain.
2. Group instruction & Personalized coaching to improve chess skills.
3. Casual play to practice and enjoy Chess.
4. Hourly breaks for (free) snacks and recess.


Tentativel Daily Schedules:

Morning Schedule 9am - 1pm

9-9:15 Arriving, Casual Games, Warm-up
9:15-10 Instruction
10-10:10 Recess & Snacks
10:10-11 Training Games & Review
11-11:10 Recess
11:10-12 Practice Games
12-12:15 Break & Lunch
12:15-1 Review & Wrap-Up
12:50-1 Pickup

Afternoon Schedule 1pm - 5pm
1-1:15 Arriving, Casual Games, Warm-up
1:15-2 Instruction
2-2:10 Recess & Snacks
2:10-3 Training Games & Review
3-3:10 Recess
3:10-4 Practice Games
4-4:10 Recess & Snacks
4:10-5 Review & Wrap-Up
4:50-5 Pickup
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call: 408-409-6596