November 18 @ San Ramon Courtyard Marriott
November 19 @ Cupertino Courtyard Marriott
Sections: 4 players with similar ratings
Required Check-in: 1:30 pm to 2 pm
Rounds: approximately 2:30 pm to 5pm
Time Control: G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)
Trophies to all players with a plus score
Medals to everyone else
November 18 @ San Ramon Courtyard Marriott
November 19 @ Cupertino Courtyard Marriott
3 Sections:
800+, 500-799, under 500
No Check-In
Rounds: approximately 10 am to 1:30 pm
Time Control: G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)
Trophies to all players with a plus score
Medals to everyone else
2017 Kids Thanksgiving Championship
November 24 @ Santa Clara Convention Center
3 Sections:
900-1299, 600-899, 300-599, under 300
Registration: 8:30-9 am
5 Rounds: 9:30 am, 11 am, 12:30 pm, 2 pm, 3:30 pm
Time Control: G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)
Trophies to top 10 players (with more wins than losses) in each section
Top 5 Clubs and Top 5 Schools in all sections combined
Medals to everyone else
register at: