Blitz on Friday @ San Jose & San Ramon - Scholastic Swiss & Quads THIS Sunday

Published: Tue, 01/16/18

This Weekend 
at BayAreaChess

Blitz @ BAC Office in San Jose (G/5;d0)
Friday, January 19th


San Ramon Swiss and Quads (G/30;d5)
Sunday, January 21st

San Jose Swiss & Quads - January 28th

Mark your calendar: February 17th
US Amateur Team West Championship - Kids' Side Event
San Ramon Swiss and Quads
San Jose Swiss and Quads
Swiss Entry Fee: $34
Quads Entry Fee: $29
On-site late fee: +$15
Play-up fee: +$10
Sunday, January 21st  - San Ramon
Sunday, January 28th - San Jose
San Ramon Courtyard Marriott: 18090 San Ramon Valley Blvd, San Ramon, CA 94583 (map)


BAC Office in San Jose: 2050 Concourse Drive #42, San Jose, CA 95131 (map)
  Info Flyer Register Online

Dear Players and Parents,

First off: come join us this Friday evening for a fun Blitz night! It's been a while since we had blitz :)
and I've promised to so many of you that we'll have regular recurring blitz nights! So Schedule is up till June! :)
No late fee for blitz, online registration is available till Thursday midnight, Friday onsite only from 7pm.

Any question or feedback, please don't hesitate to email me.

 This weekend is the San Ramon Swiss and Quads and next weekend we have the same in our office in San Jose!
Register now for the other tournaments NOW to secure your spot.
Late Fee will be turned on Wednesday midnight, so don't wait any longer!
Any questions? Email us to and our amazing team will be answering your email super fast.

Many thanks!
Judit and the BAC Team

Blitz Tournament 

Friday, Jan 19th @ BAC Office in San Jose

Registration: 7-7:20pm
Games: 4 RR G/5;d0
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Sections: 1700+ and under1700
Fee: $12
Prizes: 75% of the entry fees will be distributed among the two sections.

More information:

Register Online:

Sections, Schedule & Prizes

January 21 @ San Ramon Courtyard Marriott
January 28 @ BAC Office in San Jose 

Sections: 4 players with similar ratings

Required Check-in: 1:30 pm to 2 pm
Rounds: approximately 2:15 pm to 5pm

Time Control: G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)

Trophies to all players with a plus score
this means everyone with 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 points will get a trophy! Not just the first place!!

Medals to everyone else (with 
points 1.5 or lower.)


January 21 @ San Ramon Courtyard Marriott
January 28 @ BAC Office in San Jose

3 Sections:

800+, 500-799, under 500

No Check-In
Rounds: 9:30 am to 1:30 pm

Time Control: G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)

Trophies to all players with a plus score:
this means players with 4.0 to 2.5 points, not just the first place!

Medals to everyone else (players with 2.0 - 0.0 points.)


More information:

Register Online:

Coming Up

2018 US Amateur Team West Championship - Kids Side event
February 17 @ Biltmore Santa Clara

We need team of 4 players!
If you don't have a team - we'll help you be in one, just email to
or come onsite before the 1st round!

This is a TEAM tournament, teams are paired against other teams.
Each team should have 4 players
and will sit down Board 1, 2, 3 and 4 in their rating order (highest rated sits Board 1, etc.)

The Tournament therefore is one big section!

Registration: 8-9 am  (be there if you need a team!)
5 Rounds: 10am, 11:30am, 1pm, 2:20pm, 3:40pm

Time Control: G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)

Trophies to each player in:
Top 3 Teams overall
Top Team with average rating of under900
Top Team u600
Top Team u300
Top All Girls team
Top School team
Top Club team
Trophies to top 2 scorers on each board.
Commemorative medals to all players.

More information:

Register Online:

Useful links

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

Like us on Facebook:

List of email groups and channels:

Contact us
call: 408-409-6596