Schedule & Times |
All Classes are on Mondays
at the BayAreaChess office
Address: 2050 Concourse Drive #42, San Jose, CA 95131
Division E (grades 4-6) from 6:00 to 7:15 pm
Division M (grades 6-8) from 7:15 to 8:30 pm
Fall Term: 13 classes Sept 17 - Dec 17 (Nov 19 off)
Spring Term: 17 classes Jan 7 - May 20 (Jan 21, Feb 18, Apr 15 off)
Classes are $30/class
Fall: $310 - Spring $590 - Full term: $900
Max capacity for each class: 20 students!
Class is on a first come first serve registration basis! |
Dear BAC Parents,
My name is Mr. Dan Gertmenian, aka Mr. G. I am the teacher for the Math Olympiads program for the city of Cupertino, and thanks to Judit's tireless pursuit over several years, she has finally convinced me to offer my courses through Bay Area Chess! I am excited to bring my unique teaching style -- no lectures! -- to your kids.
I have attached the BAC Math Olympiads Info Guide which will answer many of the most common questions you may have. Please read through it so that you get a feeling for how my approach to teaching math is different from other providers. My job, as I see it, is not merely to teach, but to inspire. This means that
math class must be interactive and FUN!
We'll be offering classes in two sections. Here are the basic details:
The later start times are designed to mitigate traffic and assist with logistics
Both classes will be held at the Bay Area Chess office
Classes meet on Monday evenings
Instruction begins September 17 and runs through May 20
30 classes total
Cost for the entire year is $900
Maximum class size is 27
If demand is high, another section may be added
Guarantee: Since this is a year-long class, and since this is the first time I am offering the course for BAC parents, I want to make sure you are happy with the teaching quality. Therefore, I am offering the following guarantee: after signing up for the class, your child will try it for four weeks. If for any reason you are not happy, simply let me know and Judit will refund the balance (remaining 26 classes) for the year.
I can offer this guarantee because I know how much the kids love these classes. My teaching style is frenetic; students have no choice but to be engaged. I know parents appreciate the program because last year in Cupertino, we had 13 classes with 330 students enrolled and no vacancies. These students are sons and daughters of engineers, programmers, and business professionals just like you who value education. They entrust their child's learning to me, and I am
confident you will too.
Registrations will go through Judit, but if you have any questions about the program itself, contact me at
Thank you, and I look forward to meeting many of you this month!
--Mr. G.