Dear Parents,
We have another treat for all players at the Sunday Night Cupertino-Chess Club on November 11th (5-8 pm). BAC will be hosting a nonrated tournament of VARIANTS, which will be randomly selected and explained
before each of the rounds! Variants often include a slight modification to the rules of original Chess, making for a unique tournament experience! The event is not rated, so it's all for fun! We will also have prizes and pizza
for all participants.
Address: Good Samaritan Church
19624 Homestead Rd, Cupertino 95014
-- Sunday, November 11th, 5-8 PM --
What types of Chess Variants
might come up for each round? Here are the ones we will have in our randomizer:
- Double move chess: White makes the first move. From thereafter, each player gets two moves, but must move with two different pieces or pawns.
- No check chess: No checks are allowed, unless it is checkmate.
- Chess 960: Pieces are scrambled but matched along the first and eighth rank to start the game (also known as Fischer Random).
- Vampire chess: you are allowed to capture your own piece which then combines the capabilities of the two pieces. A merged piece can subsequently de-merge when one piece splits off from the combination.
- Ninja chess: Remove knights and start with 4 Bishops each. Bishops are 'ninjas' and can bounce off one wall on any turn (any 1 of the 4 sides of the chessboard).
- Half chess: players start with only the regular pieces and pawns on the kingside of the board (instant endgame).
- Battleship chess: An opaque divider is placed between the fourth and fifth ranks. Players set up their pieces in any legal configuration on their side of the board to start. Starting pieces will include 1 king, queen, rook, bishop, knight, and 5 pawns. After both players are satisfied with their configuration, the divider is lifted and the game starts (instant
- Reject-a-move: Each player gets one chance to reject their opponent’s move. The player with the rejected move must come up with an alternative move and the game proceeds
The tournament is expected to last for either 3 or 4 rounds, depending on time
(will conclude at 8pm regardless). This Event will have the same default pricing and drop-in scheduling as any other normal weekly Cupertino Club (3-hours / $40 per class). No registration is necessary. Please consider our popular 10-class bundle that comes with a free (11th) class! Payments can always be made at the door with cash/check, or paid in advance online
BayAreaChess Enrichment Team