LAST CALL for the 41st People's Tournament - THIS WEEKEND - BACK in BERKELEY

Published: Wed, 07/27/16


41st People's Tournament
this weekend, July 29/30th - 31st

Back in Berkeley!
**Late fee is waived until July 27th noon **
What? 41st People's Tournament
Fee Entry Fee: $99
Economy Entry Fee: $79 (for 50% prize)
On-site late fee: +$25
Play-up fee: +$35
Refund fee: $25 
When Friday/Saturday, June 29/30th - Sunday, July 31st
Where The Faculty Club
Minor Lane, UC Berkeley, CA 94720 (map)
$10 discounted parking
  Info Flyer Register Online

Dear Players,
So many kind player have taken the time to email their appreciation that the People's Touranement is back in Berkeley!
Super happy and excited about the upcoming tournament.
We are preparing for one of the strongest tournaments in recent months with more players in the Open section than any other.
We are honored that so many titled players have decided to come, and play!!

Waiving late fee until TOMORROW, July 27th so that more players can come
and experience the unique atmosphere that this tournament will have :)
Details can be found below or at the event's webpage (
Email us to if you have any questions.
Hope to see many of you there and you don't have to miss this amazing weekend!

Many thanks,
Sections, Schedule & Prizes

5 Sections:
Open (2000+), A(1800-1999), B(1600-1799), C(1400-1599), DEu (under1400)

Time Control
3-day: 5SS x 40/120 SD/30 d5
2-day: 2SS x G/61 d5 + merge Merge in Round 4.
All compete for the same prizes.

On-site Registration: Fri 6-6:30pm or Sat 9-9:30a
3-day Schedule: Fri 7pm, Sat 11:30a, 5p, Sun 10a, 3:30p
2-day schedule: Sat 10a, 1p, 5p, Sun 10a, 3:30p

Prize Fund: $12,000 b/197 fully paid entries, 60% guaranteed
Details on prize fund distribution is on the webpage:  


Useful links:

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

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List of email groups and channels:

Contact us
call: 408-409-6596