5 Sections:
Open (2000+), A(1800-1999), B(1600-1799), C(1400-1599), DEu (under1400)
Time Control
3-day: 5SS x 40/120 SD/30 d5
2-day: 2SS x G/61 d5 + merge Merge in Round 4.
All compete for the same prizes.
On-site Registration: Fri 6-6:30pm or Sat 9-9:30a
3-day Schedule: Fri 7pm, Sat 11:30a, 5p, Sun 10a, 3:30p
2-day schedule: Sat 10a, 1p, 5p, Sun 10a, 3:30p
Prize Fund: $12,000 b/197 fully paid entries, 60% guaranteed
Details on prize fund distribution is on the webpage: www.bayareachess.com/peoples