Special Guest Lecturer TODAY: NM Michael Wang - FREE Chess Club @ Saturdays 6-8PM BAC

Published: Sat, 12/16/17

Saturday evening
FREE Chess Club for adults

Today's Special Guest: NM Michael Wang

Lecture about the recent
Nakamura - Carlsen game

Saturdays 6PM - 8PM

@ BAC Office
2050 Concourse Drive #42, San Jose, CA 95131

Saturday Chess Club
Saturdays, 6PM - 8PM
2050 Concourse Drive #42, San Jose, CA 95131 (map)

Dear Players,

Today's FREE Chess Club for adults will have a special guest lecturer: NM Michael Wang

He'll be analyzing the recent game between Hikaru Nakamura and Magnus Carlsen that happened in London.
And let's see how did Magnus pull that amazing survival :)

Free Chess Club
at BAC headquarters

Every Saturday 6PM - 8PM
hosted by Coach Chris
Feel free to stop by to
* play some casual chess with others
* discuss any interesting topics
* analyze games
* train on specific problems
* most importantly have FUN!!! 

Questions? Email us at ask@bayareachess.com or call us at 408-409-6596.

Many thanks!
Judit and the BAC Team

Useful links

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BayAreaChess

List of email groups and channels: www.bayareachess.com/connect

Contact us
call: 408-409-6596
email: ask@bayareachess.com