WEDNESDAY at BayAreaChess
Special Event:
25 board Simultaneous Exhibition
GM Arkadij Naiditsch
Wednesday, March 14th 7 PM
@ San Jose office
2050 Concourse Drive #42, San Jose, CA 95131
Dear Players,
REMINDER that a very cool event is happening TODAY at 7PM.
Online Registration is closed but late fee has been waived from the entry fee: $25!
First come First serve, come and reserve your spot in the 25 board simul!
GM Arkadij Naiditsch:
He is the best player in Germany!
European u10 Champion in 1995
Winner of Dortmund Sparkassen Tournament in 2005
Gold medal in the 2011 European Team Championship
Winner of Group B in Tata Steel Chess Touranment in 2013
Won with black against Magnus Carlsen in 2014, 41st Chess Olympiad
Tied for first with Magnus in 2015 at the 3rd Grenke Chess Classic
Won the Zurich Open and the Basel Chess Festival in 2015
and many many other tournaments.
First event is this Wednesday:
25 board simultaneous exhibition, aka simul, at the San Jose office on March 14th, 7PM.
Register NOW and save $5 at the door: $25 fee for online registration, $30 for onsite @ door.
First come, first serve!
Second event is this Friday:
Lecture and Questions&Answers at the San Jose office on March 16th @ 6:30PM
On Saturday:
GM Naiditsch will be guest coaching our BAC Teams.
More information:
Any questions? Email us to and our amazing team will answer your email as soon as possible.
Many thanks!
Judit and the BAC Team