It's the...
44th People's Tournament
A H e r i t a g e E v e n t
July 19/20 - 21, 2019
Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Prizes: $10,000 - b/190 fully paid entries
60% guaranteed - GPP 40 Enhanced
44th People's Tournament
Entry Fee: $109
Economy Entry Fee: $89 (for 50% prize, available until capacity reaches 75%)
On-site fee: +$25 ($134)
Play-up fee: +$30 (within 200 points)
Refund fee: $25
Re-entry: $49
Late fee: $25 when capacity reaches 85% |
Friday thru Sunday, July 19-21 |
Santa Clara Convention Center (map)
5001 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Free Parking! |
Info Flyer Register Online |
Dear Players,
Let's play at one of our oldest tournaments that has been going on for 44 years now!
Originally started in Berkeley, this year it'll be in the Santa Clara Convention Center as we are expecting more players this year.
Please register soon to avoid additional fees.
More info:
Any questions? Email us at and our amazing team will reply as soon as possible.
Many thanks!
BAC Tournament Team
Sections, Schedule & Prizes |
5 Sections:
*** Both Open and Section A are FIDE rated **
Open (2000+, FIDE rated)
A (1800-1999, FIDE rated)
B (1600-1799)
C (1400-1599)
DEu (u1400)
On-site Registration: Friday 10-10:30am & Saturday 9-8:30am
Time Control & Rounds:
*** 6 rounds tournament ***
3-day schedule starting with Friday: 6 SS 40/120 SD/30 d5
Round 1 Fri 11am
Round 2 Fri 5pm
Round 3 Sat 10am
Round 4 Sat 4:30pm
Round 5 Sun 10am
Round 6 Sun 3:30pm
2-day schedule starting with Saturday:
3 SS G/60;d5, merge before Round 4
and 3SS 40/120 SD/30 d5
Round 1 Sat 9am
Round 2 Sat 11:30am
Round 3 Sat 1:50pm
merge with 3-day schedule sections
Round 4 Sat 4:30pm
Round 5 Sun 10am
Round 6 Sun 3:30pm
Prize Fund: $10,000 b/190 60% guaranteed
2000+: $2000 $1000 $400 $200 $100
u2300: $300 $100
u2100: $100
A (1800-1999): $1000 $600 $300 $100 $100
B (1600-1799): $800 $400 $200 $100 $100
C (1400-1599): $600 $300 $200 $100 $100
DEu (under1400): $500 $200 $100
More information:
Register at: