Published: Sat, 12/09/23
Last Call for tomorrow Cash Tournament! We still have some space! Prize Funds to be WON: $1000 b/32 - 50% Guaranteed Sunday, Dec 10th Dublin $wiss…
Published: Tue, 12/05/23
Coming up ne t! 1 Day Cash-Day tournament at Dublin this Sunday Prize Funds to be WON: $1000 b/32 - 50% Guaranteed Sunday, Dec 10th Dublin $wiss G/60…
Published: Fri, 12/01/23
On your mark...get CHESS...GO! Last Call for Cash-Day tournaments this weekend Prize Funds to be WON: $1000 b/32 - 50% Guaranteed Play One or Two Days…
Published: Mon, 11/20/23
FYI: For a faster response to questions about the:1. "2023 Class Warfare OPEN (ThanksGiving)" please…
Published: Mon, 11/13/23
For a faster response to questions about the:1. "2023 Class Warfare OPEN on ThanksGiving" please…
Published: Wed, 11/08/23
For a faster response to questions about the:1. "2023 Class Warfare OPEN on ThanksGiving" please…
Published: Wed, 10/25/23
FYI: For a faster response to questions about the:1. "2023 Class Warfare OPEN (ThanksGiving)" please…
Published: Fri, 10/06/23
Announcement: For a faster response to questions about the:1. "Weekly Cash-Day & Signature Events", please use…
Published: Tue, 10/03/23
Announcement: For a faster response to questions about the:1. "Weekly Cash-Day & Signature Events", please use…
Published: Wed, 09/27/23
Announcements: For a faster response to questions about the:1. "Weekly Cash-Day & Signature Events", please use…