First Week of BAC' Strategy Camp in San Jose NEXT WEEK - Register NOW

Published: Thu, 06/15/17

Special Invitation to try out our
Strategy Games Summer Camp

June 19-23 in San Jose

with Coach James & Coach Jasmine

Strategy Game Camp
AM (9AM-1PM): $259
PM (1-5PM): $239
Full Day (9AM-5PM): $429
Early drop/Late Pick: $49/5days
Monday June 19th through Friday, June 23rd
St. Leo the Great, 1051 W. San Fernando, San Jose, CA 95126 (map)
  Info  Register Online
Dear Parents,

The long wait will be over soon! Next week is the first week of our Strategy Games Camp with Coach James and Jasmine at our San Jose location at St. Leo the Great. This fun and innovative camp focuses on learning the mathematical and logical reasoning behind games, things such as using probability to make correct decisions, deductive reasoning, elementary game theory, why and how strategies differ with multiple players and much more. We will use a variety of games to teach these concepts, some that are very popular such as chess and Dominion, but also games that were created specifically for this class by Coach James, a former World Online Risk Champion, inventor of several games and Head Coach of our Strategy Games club class every Saturday afternoon at Palo Alto.

Register at: FIRST week of Strategy Games Camp @ San Jose.

Have your child join us for some amazing chess, or board games! During breaks we do soccer, frisbee, laughter and all around fun!! 
Free cool camp T-shirt & useful booklet for every child!

Register now by visiting this link and check our complete schedule:
Filtered for Strategy game camp: click HERE

We offer camps every week throughout the summer, so please see act now for future camps.
Let us know if you have any questions, and we look forward to your child joining us this summer!

Abel Talamantez
Deputy Director
Director of Enrichment
BayAreaChess, Inc.
(408) 772-9098
Camp Description, Daily Schedules

Strategy Game Camp: Strategy Games camp is an innovative and fun way to teach children the logic and strategy of games in a way that incorporates many STEM concepts. We use a variety of games (board games, original games, puzzle and tile games etc.) to introduce the student to concepts in probability, game theory, pattern recognition, deductive reasoning and creative thinking that leads to optimal decision making in games. Students should be at least 8 years old or have prior approval of the instructor. Coaches James Bethany and Wolfgang Behm will lead the camps, bringing their vast experience in Strategy Games teaching to make a unique and fun filled week! No Strategy Games camp is the same, as the coaches incorporate a variety of different games and the selection can vary from week to week. Please register fast as we only have 4 weeks of Strategy Games camp over the summer.
Click here to See our Strategy Camp offerings 

Coach James Bethany is one of the lead coach for both weeks: He was a Board game designer, selling 11 titles (2002-2007), a Web-Host Game Moderator (2009-2010), Project-Application Game Tester for FaceBook (2010), Qualifier for Monopoly National Championships (2012), World Champion at Online Risk (2013) and a Senior Lead Chess-Instructor (Current).


We have three main goals with our camps:
1. Have fun with
2. Improve multiple academic skills
3. Provide other stimulating activities to maintain interest

We apply a novel approach, where we combine and blend Academia, Chess, and Games!
Each 4 hour instructional block
1. puzzles & creative exercises to sharpen the brain.
2. Group instruction & Personalized coaching to improve chess skills.
3. Casual play to practice and enjoy board games.
4. Hourly breaks for (free) snacks and recess.


Tentativel Daily Schedules:

Morning Schedule 9am - 1pm

9-9:15 Arriving, Casual Games, Warm-up
9:15-10 Instruction
10-10:10 Recess & Snacks
10:10-11 Training Games & Review
11-11:10 Recess
11:10-12 Practice Games
12-12:15 Break & Lunch
12:15-1 Review & Wrap-Up
12:50-1 Pickup

Afternoon Schedule 1pm - 5pm
1-1:15 Arriving, Casual Games, Warm-up
1:15-2 Instruction
2-2:10 Recess & Snacks
2:10-3 Training Games & Review
3-3:10 Recess
3:10-4 Practice Games
4-4:10 Recess & Snacks
4:10-5 Review & Wrap-Up
4:50-5 Pickup


Useful links:

General information about our enrichment programs: clubs, camps, classes

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

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Contact us
call: 408-409-6596