Rising Star
A combo event for the young players AND their parents
1) a very first tournament for your child: a non-rated tournament where the tournament directors help players get familiar with the process, what they need to do, how they are expected to behave and what rules they need to follow.
2) a seminar for the parents: an hour long seminar and Q&A session, where we gather all important information regarding tournaments, USCF, memberships and help you navigate thru the information. Great opportuntiy to ask any questions, and discuss any topic you might be interested in. We will have veteran coaches and experienced players to answer all your questios.
Time Control: 3SS G/30;d5
On-site Registration and MANDATORY check-in: 9:30-9:45am
Rounds: between 10am - 2pm
Time Control: 3SS G/30;d5
Prizes: Trophies for ALL players.