5 Sections:
1400+, 1000-1399, 700-999, 400-699, under 400
November 4th: Players u1000 play only Sunday
On-site Registration: 8-8:30am
Rounds: 9 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:50 pm, 3:10 pm
Time Control: 5 rounds of G/30; d5
(Game in 30 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)
Prizes: Trophies
Top 10 players in each section
Top 3 unrated in u400 section w/ winning record
Top 5 Schools and Top 10 Clubs Combined
November 3-4th: Players 1000+ play both days
On-site Registration: 9-9:30am
Rounds: Saturday 10am, 1pm, 4pm; Sunday 9 am, 12:30 pm
Time Control: 5 rounds of G/751; d5
(Game in 75 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)
Special Prize from Susan Polgar Foundation:
$48,000 scholarship to Webster University
Medals to all others
More information: www.bayareachess.com/allgirls
Register online: www.bayareachess.com/my/allgirls