2nd Wednesday Marathon, Keep the Heat, starts June 1st

Published: Wed, 05/25/16

Dear Players and Parents,

The second round of Wednesday Marathon will be starting NEXT week, June 1st. This is a week postponement to the original schedule, but we feel it's necessary due to the Best of the West championship.

The 'Keep the Heat' Marathon starts next Wednesday, June 1st, and it'll be a 5 round tournament, ending June 29th.
Hope to see many of you there.
Many thanks,
Judit and the BAC Team

BayAreaChess is bringing the
Marathon events back!

Wednesday Marathon @ BAC
5 rounds - 1 round each Wednesdays

Keep the Heat
Starting June 1st to 29th
What 2nd Wednesday Marathon
Keep the Heat
Fee 5-week entry: $45
Play-up: $20

Drop-in: $15
Drop-in Play-up: $5
When Wednesdays
June 1st - June 29th
Where BAC San Jose Office
2050 Concourse Drive #42, San Jose, CA 95131 (map)
  Info Flyer Register Online
Time Control, Schedule & Sections

5 rounds tournament on Wednesday nights.
Sign up for all 5 weeks, or just drop in for one round.

Register online www.bayareachess.com/my/wednesday
or on-site between 6:30-6:45pm.


Time Control: G/75; d5

On-site registration: 6:30-6:45pm
Round start: each Wednesday 7pm

Sections: 1900+, 1500-1899, u1500

Prize Fund & Entry Fee

Prize Fund
$300/b25 with 60% guaranteed
Distribution of prize fund to be determined after 2nd round.

Entry Fee:
5-week Entry Fee: $45
5-week Play-up Fee: $20

1 time, drop-in Fee: $15
1 time, drop-in Play-up Fee: $5

Useful links:

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BayAreaChess

List of email groups and channels: www.bayareachess.com/connect

Contact us
call: 408-409-6596
email: ask@bayareachess.com