6GMs @ the Nationals - Late Fee WAIVED till Tuesday midnight: G/30 & G/60 National Championships

Published: Mon, 09/18/17

Dear Players and Parents,

We now have 6 GMs visiting the G/30 & G/60 National Championships!
GM Gareyev, GM Izoria
, GM Kachiyan, GM Matamoros, GM Sevillano and GM Zbigniew
and who knows which of the local GMs will get in the mood for joining us! :)

Want a reminder what it's like? Click here for a video from last year :) 
and this memory is one of my favorite from IM Tate, sure will miss him now and always.. 

So if you want to be a part of some fast action, make some memories so I can copy it in next year's email blast :)
have fun with all the amazing people in our chess community and be a part of a National Championship, COME TO SANTA CLARA!
Register NOW, don't wait longer! Space is limited and late fee is near!
US National G/30 Championship - Saturday, Sept 23
US National G/60 Championship - Sunday, Sept 24

More info: www.bayareachess.com/usg30g60
Flyer: www.bayareachess.com/static/pdf/usg60g30_2017.pdf

Register at: www.bayareachess.com/my/usg30g60

Late Fee will be turned on Tuesday midnight to allow Zarina to clean the registration list, and make sure everyone's entry is correct!

Any questions? Email us at ask@bayareachess.com and our amazing team answer your email extremely promptly.
Can't wait for some fun filled, fast action, amazingly exciting weekend full of chess!


Many thanks!
Judit and the BAC Team 

would like to personally invite YOU to

US National

G/30 Championship
on Saturday, September 23

G/60 Championship
on Sunday, September 24

in Santa Clara, California

Adults & Scholastic on both days!

Event US National G/30 & G/60 Championships
Fee Regular:
Single event: $84, Dual Discount: $139

Scholastic (u1000):
Single event: $54, Dual Discount: $94

Play-up: $25
Play-up scholastic: $10
Late Fee: $20, Refund fee: $20
Date September 23rd, Saturday
September 24th, Sunday
Location Santa Clara Convention Center
5001 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054 (map)
  Info Flyer (Reg) Flyer (Kids) Register Online

BayAreaChess' events are popular for many reasons:
- Live and Updated advanced entries on our website;
- Orientation email a day before the event;
- Standings and pairings online to avoid crowd in the hallways;
- Super fast submittion to USCF after event;
- Fast & friendly customer service.

Come, and join us for this year's G/30 & G/60 Nationals, and what BayAreaChess can offer you!
Event is organized by BayAreaChess & Chief Organizer, Dr. Judit Sztaray, 2016 Organizer of the Year by USCF.

Should you have any questions, or comments, email us and we'll get back to you very fast!
Email: ask@bayareachess.com 

for all Sections

G/30 Championship on Saturday

On-site Registration: Sat 8:00-8:30am
Rounds: Saturday 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:30pm, 2:00pm, 3:30pm

Time Control: 5SS G/30; d5

G/60 Championship on Sunday

On-site Registration: Sun 8:00-8:30am
Rounds: Sunday 9:00am, 12:00am, 2:30pm, 5:00pm

Time Control: 4SS G/60; d6

Sections & Prizes

G/30 Championship on Saturday

$8,000 b/199 fully paid entries, 60% guaranteed

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th Class Prizes
Open (1900+) $1,500 $700 $300 $100 u2100: $200, 100
B (1600-1899) $1,000 $400 $100 $100  
C (1300-1599) $1,000 $400 $100 $100  
D (u1300) $1,000 $400 $100 $100  

G/60 Championship on Sunday

$10,500 b/240 fully paid entries, 60% guaranteed

  1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Class Prizes
Open (2000+) $1,500 $700 $300 $100 $100 u2200: $200, 100
A (1800-1999) $1,000 $400 $200 $100 $100  
B (1600-1799) $1,000 $400 $200 $100 $100  
C (1400-1599) $1,000 $400 $200 $100 $100  
D (1200-1399) $1,000 $400 $200 $100 $100  
E (u1200) $1,000 $400 $200 $100 $100  

Scholastic Side-event - both events

Sections: 999-800, 799-600, 599-400, 399-200, u200

Trophies to Top 15 players in each section
Top 5 Clubs and Top 5 Schools in combined sections.
Team: min 2 and top 3 players count for team score.


Blitz Side-event

Saturday, September 23

G/5 d0
Registration: 4:30-5pm
Rounds: total of 8-10 rounds between 5:15-7:15pm

Entry Fee: $14 in advane, $16 on-site
75% of EF returned as prizes.

Useful links:

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BayAreaChess

List of email groups and channels: www.bayareachess.com/connect

Contact us
call: 408-409-6596
email: ask@bayareachess.com