Blitz @ San Jose Friday 1/19 & Palo Alto Duper$wiss G/75 - This Sunday, 1/21

Published: Tue, 01/16/18

This Weekend 
at BayAreaChess

Blitz @ BAC office in San Jose (G/5; d0)
Friday, January 19th


Palo Alto Duper$wiss (G/75; d5)
Sunday, January 21st

Coming Up

CM Azhar Memorial Championship (G/90; +30)
January 26/27th -28th
**(2-day and 3-day schedules available)**

Duper$wiss @ Palo Alto
Entry Fee: $49
Economy Entry Fee: $39 (for 50% prize)
On-site late fee: +$15
Play-up fee: +$20
Sunday, Jan 21st
4290 El Camino Real, Palo Alto, CA 94306 (map)
  Info Flyer Register Online

Dear Players,

First off: come join us this Friday evening for a fun Blitz night! It's been a while since we had blitz :)
and I've promised to so many of you that we'll have regular recurring blitz nights! So Schedule is up till June! :)
No late fee for blitz, online registration is available till Thursday midnight, Friday onsite only from 7pm.
Any question or feedback, please don't hesitate to email me.

The Palo Alto Duper$wiss will take place this weekend! The tournament is in a new location, the Palo Alto Crowne Plaza.
Space is limited and registration fills up quickly, so register TODAY!!! Late Fee will be turned on Wednesday midnight, no exceptions!

Coming up soon the first Bay Area Chess Championship of the year: CM Azhar Memorial Championship. Friday evening round at the San Jose office.
Saturday and Sunday rounds are held at the Santa Clara Convention Center, where we can host up to 150 players! 
Prize fund will be scaled up with attendees. Sign up now to guarantee your spot.

Any questions? Email us to and our amazing team will answer your email as soon as possible.

Many thanks!
Judit and the BAC Team

Blitz Tournament 

Friday, Jan 19th @ BAC Office in San Jose

Registration: 7-7:20pm
Games: 4 RR G/5;d0
7:30pm - 9:30pm

Sections: 1700+ and under1700
Fee: $12
Prizes: 75% of the entry fees will be distributed among the two sections.

More information:

Register Online:

Sections, Schedule & Prizes

Duper$wiss @ Palo Alto Crowne Plaza

3 Sections:
1900+, 1500-1899, under 1500

On-site Registration: 8:30-8:45 AM
Rounds: 9 AM, 12 PM, 3 PM

Time Control:
 G/75; d5 (Game in 75 minutes with 5 second delay before each move)

Prize Fund: $1,300 b/50 60% guaranteed

1900+: $200 $100 $100 u2000: $50 $50
1500- 1899: $200 $100 u1600: $50 $50
Under 1500: $200 $100 u1200: $50 $50

More info:
Register at:

Coming Up

CM Azhar Memorial Championship @ Santa Clara Convention Center

January 26/27-28

3 Sections:

Open (2000+), AB (1600-1999), CDEu (under 1500)

3-day Section:
On-site Registration: 6:30-6:45pm
Rounds: Friday 7pm, Saturday 10am, 3pm; Sunday 10am, 3pm

Time Control: 5 rounds of G/90 +30
(Game in 90 minutes with 30 second increment at each move)

2-day Section:
On-site Registration: 9:30-9:45am
Rounds: Saturday 10am, 12:30pm, merge, 3pm; Sunday 10am, 3pm

Time Control: 2 rounds of G/61; d5
(Game in 61 minutes with 5 second delay before each move.)
Merge with the 3-day section after round 2

Prize Fund: $5,000 b/90 60% guaranteed

      Open: $1000 $500 $200   u2300: $250 $125 $100
 AB: $700 $300 $100     u1800: $200 $100
                  CDEu: $700 $300 $100    u1400: $125 $100  u1200: $100 
Useful links

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

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Contact us
call: 408-409-6596