June 1: G/90 in Foster City on Saturday

Published: Thu, 05/30/19

This Weekend 
at BayAreaChess

Foster City $uper$wiss G/61
Saturday, June 1st
Foster City Luper$wiss G/61
Entry Fee: $50
Economy Entry Fee: $40 (for 50% prize)
Play-up fee: +$20
Saturday, June 1st
Foster City Courtyard Marriott:
550 Shell Blvd, Foster City, CA 94404, USA
  Info Flyer Register Online

Dear Players,

Hope everyone had a great weekend, and played some chess! The Best of the West tournament was a lot of fun and great to see the whole room filled with players!
If chess was not enough, or you had to miss it: we have 
one tournament this weekend: G/61 in Foster City on Saturday.
Capacity is limited at 40, so hurry up with registering to make sure you secure a spot!
Late fee is turned on at 35 registered players:
  Any questions? Email to ask@bayareachess.com and our amazing team will answer your email as soon as possible.

Many thanks!
The BayAreaChess Team

Sections, Schedule & Prizes

Foster City - Saturday, 6/1
4SS G/61; d5

3 Sections:
1900+, 1500-1899, under 1500

On-site Registration: 8:30-8:45am

3 Rounds: 9am, 11:30pm, 2pm, 4:30pm

Time Control: G/61; d5
 (Game in 90 minutes with 5 second delay before each move) 

Prize Fund: $1300 b/50 60% guaranteed

1900+ : $200 $100 $100  u2000: $50 $50
1500 - 1899 : $200 $100  u1600: $50 $50

u1500 : $200 $100  u1200: $50 $50


Useful links

General information about regular tournaments:

General information about the scholastic tournaments:

Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/BayAreaChess

List of email groups and channels: www.bayareachess.com/connect

Contact us
call: 408-409-6596
email: ask@bayareachess.com